4431, Variable RF Sample Port Wattmeter Zoom

4431, Variable RF Sample Port Wattmeter

Item# 4431


Broadband RF Wattmeter with Variable Tap Sample Port

4431, RF Wattmeter is the same as the Model 43 General Purpose Wattmeter except for an RF signal sampler probe. This RF probe provides a low power sample of the signal being measured and is available at a female BNC connector on the right side of the housing. The signal level can be adjusted with a control knob on the front of the meter. The sampled output can be connected to any RF signal monitoring device such as a frequency counter, spectrum analyzer, or oscilloscope.


  • Frequency Range: 1 kW max. 30-1000 MHz using Bird® Plug-in Elements (Applies only when coupling is less than 30 dB)
  • Power Range: 5 kW max. 2-30 MHz
  • RF Sample Output: Variable -15 to -70 dB from BNC (Female) port
  • Connectors: N-Type (Female)

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